- American Express*
- Bache
- Bank of America
- Bankers Trust
- Bear Stearns
- Bowery Savings Bank
- Chase Manhattan Bank*
- Chemical Bank
- Chicago Merc. Exchange
- Citibank*
- Citicorp*
- Crocker Bank
- Dean Witter
- Dime Savings Bank
- Dominick & Dominick
- Fidelity Investments
- First Affinity Group
- First Alabama Banc.
- First Fidelity
- First Nationwide
- First USA Bank
- Fleet Bank
- Ford Credit
- Found. for Savings Inst.
- G.E. Capital
- G.M. Card
- J.C. Penney Financial Services
- John Hancock
- Kansallis Bank Group
- Lebenthal & Co.*
- Liberty Mutual
- Manufacturers Hanover
- Marine Midland
- Mastercard International.
- Merrill Lynch*
- Morgan Stanley
- Mutual of N.Y.
- Nationwide
- Paine Weber
- Prudential-Bache
- Putnam Trust
- Reich & Co.
- Salomon Brothers
- Savings Bank Life Ins.
- Smith Barney
- Smith New Court
- Quotron
- The Bank of New York
- The Pilgrim Group
- Wells Fargo
- Western Union