May, 2007
The University of Rhode Island’s Alumni Association is celebrating not only its 85th anniversary this year, but also its founding in 1922. While the focus on the founding date allows the Association to create excitement around its 85th celebration, it makes it possible, as well, to efficiently utilize the marketing communications plans and materials developed for the anniversary well into the future.
“Anniversary marketing can be a strong focal point to galvanize and and propel a brand or an organization and its constituents well into the future,” said Gary Kullberg, the CEO of the Kullberg Consulting Group, which developed and is helping to execute the program.
“The strategic importance of anniversary marketing is so much more than just the latest self-congratulatory advertisement or PR release, or Internet promotion. Rather, marketing an anniversary, properly done, can provide both short and long term profitable results among a whole host of constituents,” he continued.
URI’s Alumni Association represents and supports not only 95,000 active alumni, but also an ever larger student body and the University itself. Much of the anniversary marketing effort is directed toward informing constituents of the vast variety of programs and services the Association provides, thereby improving meaningful involvement, commitment and financial support to help meet its increasing needs.
“URI is fortunate to have our Alumni Association, as they are an extremely important partner helping us to unify and expand alumni interest, support and dedication to the University. The most important hallmark of any university is its alumni, and our Association symbolizes all that is great about URI,” said Bob Beagle, Vice President, University Advancement.
“We are extremely proud to join with them in celebrating their 85 year tradition of excellence, and look forward to the road ahead,” he continued.
Marketing Communications Program
The celebration of the Association’s founding in 1922 employs a new theme and logo as a focal point to a structured marketing communications program:

The program includes direct mail, email blasts, newsletters, an updated website, public relations, signage, advertising and events. All marketing communications efforts are designed to significantly impact alumni, students and faculty, as well as building pride and support throughout the State. Additionally, the program ties in strongly with the University’s soon-to-be announced Capital Campaign.
Market research and an extensive analytics program are being employed to aid in the development of the program, as well as measure its effect. “Understanding the wants and needs of our existing and future alumni is central to our current and future success,” Mr. Kullberg concluded.
The on-going program was developed and is being executed through a collaboration of the talents of the University’s Alumni Relations and Advancement Departments, as well as members of the Kullberg Consulting Group.
“The strategic development provided by the leadership team at KCG has given significant meaning to our history and, more importantly, our relevance to the future. Gary and his team have been a major asset in creating our theme and logo, and assisting in integrating it with our many other internal and external programs,” said Michele Nota, Executive Director of the Alumni Association.
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The Kullberg Consulting Group, founded in 1994, is a strategic alliance of sixty entrepreneurially driven companies, representing all disciplines of marketing and marketing communications, with combined experience working with over 585 companies in 21 major industry groups.
Recently, the company introduced Marketing Milestone, a service that develops and executes customized, meaningful and efficient marketing programs to help companies and brands profitably market their anniversaries.
Mr. Kullberg is the Chief Executive Officer of KCG, previously based in New York now in Rhode Island. He can be reached at or 401.886.5001.